Friday, April 20, 2007

At least we won't stink after TS 41!

When I first announced on that we were looking for crew and money for Race Across America, I received a private message from John, one of the members. He said that he'd be "happy to help with food or whatever" when we roll through his area. He happens to be in Indiana between Time Stations 41 and 42. I thanked him for his offer and told him that we would definitely take him up on it. Tonight I went searching for that PM and found it, replying again to see if John was still up to helping us out. Sure enough, he said that he was and I thought I'd push it one step farther and ask..." you think we could use your shower?" Now whatever is a pretty broad and all encompassing can't blame me for asking. What a guy...he agreed, so now we'll have full bellies and a little less stench in our lives after TS 41. Thanks John!

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